Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The blog in which i explain that sometimes i actually do stuff.

If you have asked me lately how i have been you have probably heard this response:
"Im good, just working mainly."
And that got me thinking, if a stranger asked you "What do you know about Charissa?" Would your only response be she works a lot? While it is true i do work a bunch, i have hobbies as well! So for those of you who don't have a more colorful answer other than She Works A Lot, this blog is for you.

I make Jewelry

I don't make anything super fancy but it is something i can do that takes little time and concentration. Perfect for conference weekends!

I take pictures

Now and then i express my creative side through pictures.


I go Camping

Keith and i went to Mirror Lake last year (I know it was a while ago, but it still counts!)
Here is our campsite
Keith wanted to show me the art of hand fishing! Basically you reach under rocks in rivers till you find something that moves, then you are supposed to grab it and hope it doesn't bite! Eeek! After much screaming and shuddering i managed to catch my very own fish! The first one i have ever caught!
This is right after i scooped him right out of the river!
Not bad for my first catch!

This fish was so pretty!
Look at that HUGE mouth! 

 I feel a little bad for the fish, i intended on doing a catch and release but when i went to put him back in the water he started floating upside down. Now I know enough about fish to know that is a bad sign so we decided to not waste and cook him up. Keith wanted his own fish so he just reached into the river and scoops a fish out. That's it, no screaming, no shudders. Its like this man was borne to fish.

Keith caught one too!
My fish is bigger! Ha
The fish was freaking me out so much! He was HISSING at me!

These fish are like the leopards of the sea... well river...
Now to fry them up. Right over the campfire

Mmmmm Fried fish

Keith eating the fish like a true filipino...
with his hands!

On our way home we stopped by the Beaver Creek Nudist Ranch! I didn't know places like this existed in Utah! Hahaha maybe after I lose a little more weight I will have to go back and run around the forest all-natural! 

I love the Naked Metal people
Keith doesn't look as thrilled as I do.

Best sign EVER

I put clothes on cats

Yes, I Charissa Willes abuse animals by putting them in obnoxious animal clothes! I do want to point out that the black cat is wearing a Medium Dog Dress! This cat is HUGE!
Roxanne is NOT amused

Trying to pull it off

I enjoy laughing

Yes that counts as a hobby. As proof of my humor....

Try reading this one out loud! bahahahaha!

Classic James Bond Villain 

Now you know this is the funniest thing you have ever seen! I hope it made you laugh as hard as it made me 

Well there you have it. Proof that i do in fact have hobbies... some more normal then others...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Getting to Know You... Well Me Actually.

Feel free to have the video playing as you read the following. I feel it goes with the whole idea I'm trying to convey. But before you read on, check out that dress! I swear i will one day own a dress like this. The kind of dress where if i sit down there is a real chance i will be lost forever in the fabric.

First off I'm sure my past English teachers will at some point or other wake in the night sweating, tormented by horrid visions of what i have unleashed on the world. My grammar and spelling leave something to be desired at times, that is why spell check was created. I also suffer from writers ADD. You have been warned!

This is a picture of my Husband and I

Now to get to brass tacks... I have no clue what that means but it sounds like something people say...

Name: Charissa Willes
Birthday: December 29th
Astrological Sign: Capricorn (Though due to a recent debate amongst astronomers there is a good chance i am a Sagittarius. And i would rather be a horse-man then a goat-fish any day.)
Relationship Status: Happily Married on August 1st 20.... "Hey hun, we got married in 2009 right?" His response: Sure! Yes we really are that sad
Height: 5'10 1/2"
Weight: Less then my husband and that is all that really matters.